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Old way vs. new way

Logistics for e-shops has never been easier.

Pack4you will help you expand your business faster and stress-free. Several successful e-shops use fulfillment companies to grow faster because having your own logistics center is time and money consuming.

How does it work?
Old way vs. new way

All in one software

Connecting to the Pack4you software is very easy.

All major e-commerce platforms are integrated with our system, therefore synchronizing your store and importing your products won't take much time.

Learn more about the app
All in one software

Warehouse management

With the Pack4you software you have full control over your warehouse and you know about every item you stock with us, its weight, dimensions, EAN and also the quantity of goods you have in stock right now.

Warehousing and logistics
Warehouse management

Order management

In Pack4you you can manage your orders. Through the API connection, the entire order management is fully automated, you can see all changes and order status immediately online.

Order management

Inventory management

In addition to tracking your inventory, our system can tell you when your goods are about to expire, keep track of set minimum quantities, and track sales of the best-selling products in your e-store.

Inventory management

Better courier rates

With us you will get better prices for courier services and shipping not only in Slovakia but also abroad.

We already deliver almost all over the world

Slovensko Slovensko
Česko Česko
Polsko Polsko
Maďarsko Maďarsko
Rumunsko Rumunsko
Chorvátsko Chorvátsko
Slovinsko Slovinsko
Bulharsko Bulharsko
Rakúsko Rakúsko
Nemecko Nemecko